
Join Our Team

Since our founding in 1990, INTER SALES has experienced steady growth. We believe that good salesmanship, hard work and common sense are the fundamentals to building a good business, and we are always on the lookout for new talent as we continue to grow.


Since our beginnings as a family-owned importer of televisions and radios, INTER SALES has grown to become an international consumer electronics company. We produce a wide-range of products under the Denver Electronics® brand.

Headquartered in Aarhus, Denmark, we are 65 employees with subsidiaries in Germany, Holland, Spain, Switzerland/Italy  & Hong Kong and we have a wide sales and distribution network across Europe.

Our company has been defined by hard work, common sense, good salesmanship and steady growth since the beginning. We like to stay hungry and avoid bureaucracy. We are not interested in fancy titles or educations, but in people who are not afraid to roll up their sleeves and learn new things.

These qualities, along with a broad interest and expertise in consumer electronics, characterise our people and define our workplace culture.


Please notice, by sending email or career form, you accept that we keep your contact informations for a period up to 36 months. You can of course always write to us that you want your informations deleted


Vi søger løbende efter talentfulde studerende, der har lyst til at blive del af en international hverdag på vores flotte hovedkontor lige udenfor Aarhus

Et praktikforløb hos INTER SALES giver dig mulighed for at få praktisk erfaring fra en international virksomhed indenfor områder som:
Salg & Marketing, Indkøb, Logistik og Service, Økonomi.


Vi planlægger praktikken efter dine kompetencer, ambitioner og mål. Som praktikant vil du få et stort ansvar og arbejde side om side med dedikerede og dygtige kollegaer med mange forskellige fagligheder og kompetencer. Vi lover dig en dynamisk og varieret hverdag i et dynamisk og uformelt miljø.


For at søge en praktikplads skal du sende os din motiverede ansøgning med CV som PDF. Du kan enten sende ved at bruge nedenstående formular eller sende din ansøgning til os på


Hvis du har spørgsmål, er du meget velkommen til at kontakte os også på

We are always on the lookout for new talent as we continue to grow. Please write a few words about yourself, and send us together with your CV. **Please notice, by sending this form, you accept that we keep your contact informations for a period up to 36 months. You can of course always write to us that you want your informations deleted
Please add your CV here.
By clicking 'Accept All' you consent that we may collect information about you for various purposes, including: Functionality, Statistics and Marketing